Acupuncture for Sciatica

Acupuncture is one of the best ways to treat sciatic pain

It provides short-term pain relief & seeks to address
the root cause in the local circulation to help resolve the issue long-term

What is sciatica?

Sciatica is inflammation of the sciatic nerve due to a reduction in the circulation of blood & fluid in the area, affecting the muscles and joints & causing inflammation and pain along the course of the sciatic nerve.

Chinese medicine theory is that blood & fluid travels through the tissues in circulations called jingluo 經絡 - which translated means 'Channels and Network Vessels'. Symptoms are manifestations of disruption within the physiology and circulation of these Channels and Network Vessels, caused by issues that could have their root on a physical, psychological or emotional level.

Could acupuncture for sciatica work?
During your Initial Consultation & Treatment we go through your past and present medical history and combine these with Chinese medicine diagnosis to understand why the nerve has become inflamed.

Alongside discussing the specific symptoms, diagnostic techniques such as Channel palpation, pulse & tongue diagnosis are used to identify issues within the local and systemic circulations and develop a treatment plan.

Acupuncture uses fine metal needles, in specific points, to stimulate the physiology along these circulations, strengthening them where it has become weak or clearing it where it has become congested or blocked, helping restore normal physiological function.

How much treatment do you need?
Treatment is generally recommended about every 1 to 2 weeks, while you have symptoms, and then, as health is restored, you may be advised to have treatment from time-to-time, to keep your system healthy, depending on the origin and nature of the issue.

Where do the needles go?
We generally use mostly 'distal' points with some 'local' ones.

'Distal' points are on your arms and legs, below your elbow and knees. These points influence the circulation through the Channels and Network Vessels. 'Local' points are ones that are around the site of any issue we are trying to resolve and are used to influence the circulation locally. For sciatica, these are often around your lower back.

I will always discuss what points I am going to use first and make sure that you feel comfortable with these.



About Rick Mudie
BSc (Hons), BSc (Oriental Med), MBAcC

Rick is a member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC). He is a Course Leader, Clinical Supervisor and Lecturer at The International College of Oriental Medicine (ICOM), the UK's oldest acupuncture college.

He is a traditional Chinese acupuncturist with over 20 years clinical experience.

Read more about Rick.

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